Information Technology
Increasing sales in information technology
Channel sales incentives
The key to increasing sales is focusing on the sales individuals within the resellers or distributors who actually deal directly with prospects – by driving them we have frequently increased sales by 43%, 65% and even 900% and can do the same for you. Rather than throwing money at it, we use behavioural psychology to help build new sales habits that will mean that driving your sales becomes the default setting. We can help you launch and run successful channel programmes as can be demonstrated with our case histories with many of the leading vendors in direct to multi tier channels.
Do you have influencers that actually generate the sale – but you don’t know it because they don’t physically sell your product? Whether focused on consultants, VARS, advisors or ISV’s we have put together successful strategies to help identify the influencers, recuit more, track their influence through to sales and then encourage them to increase their recommendations.
Marketing Development Programmes
Many of your partners may be SME’s – we can create a business support programme where you help them through: free advertising and sales and marketing tools, business training and much more to drive their (and your) business forward. This also acts a superb loyalty solution as if most of their growth is generated via your programme, why would they go anywhere else. Our experience is that these programmes need to be worked hard to drive sales and the activity that it results from rather than passively rewarding sales you would have made anyway and then spending these funds on activity they would have done anyway.
Sales Promotions and Loyalty Programmes
We can help create successful strategies to increase footfall to resellers, retailers and e-tailers – imagine a free holiday for two to Tenerife with a student laptop bundle or with points accrued from 5 months software licensing – wouldn’t that make you consider your offering over a competitor?
Lead generation
Using intent or highly targeted marketing techniques we have helped put together incredible programmes to drive sales enquiries including 10% response rates for a high end professional pc from a door drop and 30% response rates from corporates for software
Experienced Team
We have worked with many other major providers in your and associated industries including: Acer, HP Compaq & Microsoft, Imagination, US Robotics and Toshiba to name a few.
Find out more
We invite you to book a free 30-minute strategy call
directly with Tim Peniston-Bird to see how to add value to your initiative.

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Tim Peniston-Bird