Are you ready for extraordinary growth?

Want to achieve extraordinary growth for customers and sales channels?

You have come to the right place

Orangutan are leaders in strategy, reward and technology for businesses.

Since 1995 we’ve launched and managed hundreds of projects
delivering millions of pounds in additional profits for our clients through
incentives and loyalty programmes.

Our values are to be innovative, effective and honest, delivering extraordinary
long term growth
in revenues and return on investment
for our clients.

20 fold increase in sales for Honda Bikes

23% increase in parts sales for BMW

43% increase in sales for PURE

5 profitable influencer channels identified & engaged for Microsoft

194% sales increase for Honda service plans

4 fold increase in sales with a 1000 fold return on investment

900% increase in GAP sales for Finance Mitsubishi
4.3 times more stock sold for Wella
24 times more sales from incentive vs. test group for P&G
98% response on a customer satisfaction survey for Ford
3 fold increase in customer retention for GE Money
8 times more visits for London Parties
67% increase in sales for Finance Mitsubishi
68% higher open rates for Bulldog
40% saving for Ford on like for like trip tender

100 percent ROI … We don’t talk about return on investment – we deliver it, over and over again

  • Affordable

  • Automotive

  • Business

  • Commercial

  • Finance &

  • Hair &

  • Insurance

  • Life &

  • Telecommunications
    & Broadband

  • Information

  • Personal

  • not for

  • Personal

  • Business

  • Business

Our Vision

We believe that most businesses have huge growth potential and are held back by their own business habits. We utilise communication, education and motivation of a businesses’ people (staff, sales channels and customers) to unleash extraordinary growth.

The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
— Mark Zuckerberg, founder, Facebook
Extraordinary growth is in your grasp – you simply need to release and channel the passion and energy within your customers and sales channels. Incentives and loyalty programmes are your most effective strategy to deliver this
— Tim Peniston-Bird, Founder and CEO

Our Story

Since 1995, we’ve worked with many of the leading brands in the world from BMW to Microsoft, Acer to Procter and Gamble.
We’ve helped develop new sales channels, converted sales strategy to subscriptions for guaranteed revenue streams, increased customer retention by over 40% and helped engage and motivate customers and sales teams to achieve sales increases of up to 2000%.
Founded and lead by Tim Peniston-Bird, a leading expert in sales incentives and loyalty programmes, our mission is to create extraordinary long term growth for extraordinary companies – here’s a bit about him:

For the past 30 years, I’ve been designing complex incentive and loyalty programmes to drive sales for some of the world’s leading brands, including: BMW, Compaq, Coty, Orange, Microsoft, Proctor & Gamble, GE, Honda and Wella to name a few.

People often tell me incentive and loyalty schemes don’t work for their audience; however, in my experience, this is rarely the case.

The failure of any programme usually comes down to how well the programme its launched, structured and if the rewards are compelling enough for the audience.

Simple off-the-shelf incentive programmes, vouchers or an extra £50 in a pay packet, is going to do little to motivate a high performer to change their habits and begin pitching your latest product.

In my experience, it often isn’t the reward itself that motivators a person, but rather the dopamine rush (the internal reward) we get from telling our friends and family about it, and what we make it mean about our status in life.

This is why you can’t take a cookie cutter approach to rewards.

Incentive and loyalty programmes need to be approached strategically. It needs to be clear about the problem it needs to solve and work to the psychology of its audience – then think about what would be the most extraordinary way you could achieve it and devise a way to deliver it.

I’m proud of our work at Orangutan, our programmes typically deliver 47-900% increases in sales and return 20-40 times the initial cost of funding them. Our bulk buying power means we can access 150% greater rewards than your budget and guarantee the increase in sales will more than cover the cost of funding the program.

Tim Peniston-Bird
Founder and CEO

Focus Feature
Customer referrals
Helping drive high quality sales leads through word of mouth marketing

We all know that customer referrals are the most effective way to get new customers – infact research shows that 87% of happy customers are happy to refer and will do so to an average of 4 customers a year – but be honest, are you getting anywhere near that number of leads?

Orangutan have helped other people like you in the leading brands generate and convert high quality leads through word of mouth marketing.

Increasing referrals is easy

  • Ask your connections
  • Make it easy
  • Remove the need for customers to disclose their friend or colleagues data
  • Provide a unique benefit for referred customers (and the referrer)

creating a lead generation engine

Referred leads convert far more and provide a far greater return on investment than any other form of marketing – but better still, referred customers: spend more, stay with you longer and are 4 times more likely to refer you to their contacts.

This means that if you keep the momentum going, each generation of customers will trigger more leads and business getting rid of the need to invest in other costly forms of lead generation

we can help

We can help you launch and manage a word of mouth marketing strategy including systems, communications and awards or offer a self-serve SAAS on a pay per sale basis.

Why not book a 15 minute call or Zoom HERE with one of our consultants

Click for the video

B2B Programme

If you sell to, or through other businesses – and particularly small businesses, our programmes can help you become a trusted advisor that helps grow their business and your share of it.
Click for the video

B2C Programme

If you sell to, or through consumers, our programmes can help you reward loyalty or even convert customers to a subscription model

Our Insights

… Blimey !

The 80:20 mistake that is costing you money

Advice and Tips from Tim Peniston-Bird, Founder of Orangutan, and an expert in Sales Incentives The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes In sales teams, this translates into the top 20% accounting for 80%...

Participant motivators

Advice and Tips from Tim Peniston-Bird, Founder of Orangutan, and an expert in Sales Incentives Most people going into sales are looking for kudos compared with say working in Sainsburys’ – this is why it is much more aspirational to work on a leading or prestigious...

Navigating Lead Generation can be a Minefield

Advice and Tips from Tim Peniston-Bird, Founder of Orangutan, and an expert in Lead Generation Type in B2B lead generation and you will find around 22 million results offering a plethora of lead funnels, service providers and methodologies that all promise you a...

Who to target

In this article, I am going to outline who to target an incentive at to ensure it is successful. It might seem blindingly obvious that a sales incentive needs to target the right people – but many people get it wrong? These errors can come in at a number of levels...


In this article, I am going to outline the reason for creating a good incentive launch and some of the steps you need to follow to ensure it is successful. It would be naïve to assume that, just because you ask sales people in your channel partners to promote a...


In this article, I am going to outline the reason for either considering running or adapting an existing sales incentive including some of the steps you need to follow to ensure it is as successful as it can be. Imagine if I could give you a magic tap that allowed you...

Find out more

If you are currently in the process of launching an incentive or loyalty programme or would like to discuss how one could work for your business, we invite you to book a free 30-minute strategy call directly with Tim Peniston-Bird to see how to add value to your initiative.


Click Here to
Schedule time with
Tim Peniston-Bird

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Tel 08456441122

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